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WOnder School

from the Fund The Women's Opportunity In Ukraine is an opportunity for Ukrainian women to start learning English or improve their knowledge. The teachers of our language school will help you learn the practical use of the language in real life situations.


It is important that our students feel confident in their language skills. Our lessons are not from books, but from life.


Our achievements

from 2022


participants have already achieved their goal and received certificates


hours of lessons were conducted


people now
studies at school

Why us?

A modern approach to learning

We built a system of language learning levels in accordance with the European CEFR standards.

Qualified teachers

Teachers are certified and with modern practice, advanced training in Canada, Europe and Ukraine.

Authorized textbooks

The main textbook is selected according to the level of the group. For example, Pearson New language leader.

Small groups

Group recruitment will continue on the specified dates and each group will have no more than 15 places.

Obtaining a certificate

We certify every six months, subject to attendance at 70% of classes and successful completion of all course tests.

For NGOs

Specific conditions for recruitment to the NGO group for representatives of the public sector of Ukraine.


We asked our students: Does learning English help you? Share your story of language development!
(Spelling and punctuation of the participants are preserved)


Лариса, Харків

Так, дуже допомогло! Знання англійської мови дає мені можливість спілкуватися з людьми в іншій країні. Це допомагає мені комфортно спілкуватися з місцевими жителями, вирішувати повсякденні питання.Я дуже вдячна вам за таку допомогу!

Юлія, Кривий Ріг

Дуже допомогло, мріяла вивчати англійську та починала з рівня beginner, перейшла на новий рівень. Вдячна викладачу за цікаві заняття та мотивацію в вивченні англійської! 

Галина, Львів

Дуже дякую за чудову ініціативу Проект вивчення англійської мови. Ця група для мене не тільки група, в якій ми навчаємося, але й дуже важлива група взаємопідтримки, я забуваю тривоги даного часу, переключаюся суто на урок, відпускаю текучі проблеми.

Larisa, Kharkiv

Yes, it helped a lot! Knowing English gives me the opportunity to communicate with people in another country. It helps me comfortably communicate with local residents, solve everyday issues. I am very grateful to you for such help!

Yulia, Kryvyi Rih

It helped a lot, I dreamed of learning English and started at the beginner level, moved to a new level. I am grateful to the teacher for interesting lessons and motivation in learning English!

Halyna, Lviv

Thank you very much for the wonderful initiative of the English Language Learning Project. For me, this group is not only a group in which we study, but also a very important mutual support group, I forget the worries of the given time, switch purely to the lesson, let go of current problems.

WOnder School

A presidential bill on English as the language of international communication was recently submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Our Foundation supports this initiative and gladly invites you to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of English. are you with us

Катерина Коломієць, модераторка спільноти WonderSchool, викладачка англійської мови

Галина Садірова, менеджерка з якості освіти

© 2024 WOnder School

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